Christina Garton

Christina Garton


Simple Gifts

As much as I enjoy giving out fancy scarves and elegant tea towels, I sometimes forget that the simplest gifts can be the best, especially when they are full of love.

My Weaving Story

If there had been a place in the pottery class, Christina might not be weaving today!

Overshot Ambitions

If you love overshot like Christina does, you'll be interested in what Madelyn van der Hoogt teaches in her video.

Weaving: A Universal Language

Drafts can be read by any weaver and cross language barriers and that's why we love them.

Beating the Heat with Summer Weaving

Summer weaving can be weaving for summer activities or weaving that is portable so you can take it one summer jaunts.

Exploring the Inspiration Behind Woven Pieces

Inspiration can come from all sorts of places, birds, and snakes and more!

How Fate Brought Me to Weaving

Christina stumbled upon weaving when a pottery class wasn't an option. She's glad she did.

The Power of Color

The warm hues of the Sunny South Scarf offer a pop of color during the cold winter months.

The Twelve Delays of Weaving

Here is Christina's weaverly rewrite of a classic Christmas song.

Weaving Runs Through My Veins

Scientists can weave tiny human blood vessels in the laboratory.

From the Library

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