Guide to Selecting & Using a Weaving Loom

Learn everything you need to know about selecting and using weaving looms in this exclusive, FREE eBook that showcases different weaving looms & more.

Pattie Graver Dec 1, 2017 - 5 min read

Guide to Selecting & Using a Weaving Loom Primary Image

Learn everything you need to know about selecting and using weaving looms in this free guide.

Click here and learn how to select and use a weaving loom! Maybe you want to add a new loom to your collection? Perhaps you want to take the plunge and buy your first loom? It can be overwhelming when faced with the question, "Which loom should I buy?" To help you decide on a loom, we put together a free eBook: All About Weaving Looms: A Guide to Selecting and Using a Weaving Loom__.

Whether you're a new weaver shopping for your first loom, or a veteran weaver looking to add to your collection, choosing a loom can be daunting. Luckily for you, this free eBook is entirely dedicated to bringing you the expert advice you need to choose the tool that will help you weave the projects you've been dreaming of.

There's no one loom that can meet every need, but by comparing the pros and cons of various looms, you can find the one that's best suited to your needs. Our experts will help you consider space, weaving ergonomics, and the types of projects that different looms "love" to weave!

Choosing a loom is an exciting stage, and whether you're looking for a shaft loom, a rigid-heddle loom, or an inkle loom, let this free eBook be your guide.


What's Inside this Free eBook on Weaving Looms?

Choosing a Loom: What Weaving Loom is Right for Me?

Learn how to choose a shaft loom in this free ebook on selecting and using weaving looms.

By Madelyn van der Hoogt Madelyn helps you understand the strengths and limitations of different loom varieties.

  1. A table loom takes up less space than a floor loom, which limits the weaving width. Table looms are ideal for sampling, however, weaving on a table loom is manual and slow.
  2. A_ jack loom's_ advantage is that it’s easy to tie up and easy to warp. But jack looms are not ideal for fabrics requiring tight and even tension, like rugs.
  3. The counterbalance loom is ideal for firm fabrics such as rugs. The treadling is very light and the tension perfectly even on both raised and lowered warp threads.
  4. The Countermarch loom creates even tension on raised and lowered warp threads and light treadling action. Their main drawback is time-consuming tie-up.

Getting Started on a Rigid-Heddle Loom

Learn how to weave on a rigid-heddle loom with this free eBook.

By Chris Switzer Learn to weave on a rigid-heddle loom! A rigid-heddle loom is perfect for small projects such as scarves, or for sewing panels together to make garments or wider cloth. The rigid-heddle loom is a great loom for beginners, but it’s also great for traveling, weaving with children, and public demonstrations. A rigid-heddle loom is easy to warp, thread, and weave on. The eBook includes a scarf project which requires only two balls of yarn, one each for the warp and weft.

Make an Inkle Loom and Weave a Hatband

Learn how to make an inkle weaving loom in this free guide.

By Sharon Kersten If DIY is more your style, here’s how to construct an inkle loom, warp it, and weave a project all within a weekend. This lightweight, portable loom is suitable for small projects such as hatbands, straps, belts, and bookmarks. It can easily be disassembled for travel when needed! Inkle weaving is a great place to start for new weavers, or for experienced weavers looking to embellish their projects with beautiful straps and edging.

You want the weaving loom that will weave everything perfectly. Alas, one loom does not fit all. It helps, however, to know what each type of loom likes to do best, and that's where our expert advice comes in. Choosing a loom doesn't have to be daunting!

So whether you're looking for your first loom or another loom, download this free eBook All About Weaving Looms: A Guide to Selecting and Using a Weaving Loom, for help in selecting and using the weaving loom that is just right for you.

Warning: Looms do multiply.

Stay warped!
