Centuries in the Making Runner

Kathleen Farling, like many weavers, loves samples, especially guild samples. One such sample spoke to her and led her to design and weave her Centuries in the Making Runner.

Susan E. Horton Mar 19, 2018 - 2 min read

Centuries in the Making Runner Primary Image

Kathleen Farling found inspiration for her runner in her collection of newsletter swatches.

Kathleen Farling, like many weavers, loves samples, especially guild samples. One such sample of ribs and plain weave in a 4-shaft draft spoke to her and led her to design and weave her 8-shaft Centuries in the Making Runner. It’s a simple design with a calming effect, but it’s strong on texture and shows off the interaction between rib weave and plain weave in alternating blocks that create a checkered effect. —Susan


Structure: Plain weave and twill.

Equipment: 8-shaft loom, 13” weaving width; 10-dent reed; 1 shuttle, 2 bobbins.

Yarns: 5/2 pearl cotton (2,100 yd/lb, UKI); 3/2 pearl cotton (1,260 yd/lb, UKI).

Sett: 20 epi

Woven length (measured under tension on the loom): 69"

Finished size, after washing and hemming: 10¾" x 62" with 3/8" hems.

You'll find instructions for this runner in the March/April 2018 issue of Handwoven.

_ KATHLEEN FARLING’s_ favorite part of designing is assigning colors after “personalizing” a draft using various methods.