What Kind of Rigid-Heddle Weaver Are You?

What kind of weaver are you?

Christina Garton May 17, 2019 - 1 min read

What Kind of Rigid-Heddle Weaver Are You? Primary Image

Once you’ve got the basic tools you need to get started weaving on your rigid-heddle loom, it can be overwhelming to navigate all the “extras” available on the market. Do you need that variable-dent reed, or would a second heddle make more sense for you? What kind of shuttle should you use? One way to help with the decision-making is to figure out what kind of weaver you are based on the sorts of yarns and projects you prefer: Are you a Color Weaver, a Texture Weaver, or a Pattern Weaver? Most weavers are a mix of the three, but chances are, you’re dominant in one category or another.

Take this quiz to find out where you fit and make sure to check out the 2019 issue of Easy Weaving with Little Looms for projects that fit every weaver.