Valentine’s Day Drafts and WIFs for Weavers

I’m sure there are many more ways to weave hearts, but perhaps these downloadable Valentine’s Day WIFs will get you started.

Susan E. Horton Feb 7, 2018 - 2 min read

Valentine’s Day Drafts and WIFs for Weavers Primary Image

Getting ready to weave hearts! Photo Credit: George Boe

Some people might not agree, but the weaver in me believes that nothing says Valentine's Day like woven hearts. I did a little searching and then worked with weaving software to develop these 4 heart weaving drafts and matching WIFs. I’m sure there are many more ways to weave hearts, but perhaps these will get you started.

6-shaft twill heart

Did you know that people of the middle ages first began using hearts as a symbol of love? Today they are universally recognized as symbols of affection. We often use the simple heart shape in writing and drawing to show kindness and appreciation for people and things.

8-shaft twill heart

As weavers, we can weave that same simple heart shape to evoke the same emotions. I can picture these hearts on handwoven towels, scarves, baby wraps, and blankets. Imagine wrapping a baby in a blanket covered with hearts or giving a set of linen towels with heart borders to newlyweds just starting their lives together. Consider how weaving a scarf for a friend is an act of love and that just by adding a heart or two, you might cheer them on a gloomy day. It’s a simple shape, just a symbol really, that says a lot.

8-shaft huck heart

Happy Valentines’ day!
Weave well,

4-shaft twill heart

FREE downloadable Valentine’s Day WIFs for weavers

4-shaft twill heart
6-shaft twill heart
8-shaft twill heart
8-shaft huck heart