FREE WIF download to complement Handwoven September/October 2017
The September/October 2017 issue of Handwoven includes: 6 shaft-loom projects and 2 rigid-heddle projects as well as inkle band weaving and tapestry projects. It is likely that for the 8 projects excluding the inkle band weaving and tapestry projects that the technical editors created at least 16 WIFs (Weaving Information Files) using weaving software. (WIFs are computer generated files created by a weaving software program that holds drafts for weaving projects in text file format.) In the technical editing process, Handwoven editors use WIFs to check threading, treadling, and tie-up on every shaft-loom project, and threading, weaving, and pick-up patterns on most rigid-heddle projects. WIFs are created that show every end and pick within the project from the first hem-pick to the last. These technical experts also create WIFs as a tool to reveal only 1 repeat of the pattern or display a different variation to assist in their technical analysis.
Partial drawdown of Towel 2 WIF.
Using Adobe Illustrator software, technical editors translate project drafts by hand into the pretty drafts you see in the magazine. In my opinion, 90 percent of the time, draft errors in the magazine aren’t the fault of a WIF, but as a result of translating a WIF to our draft format, end-by-end and pick-by-pick. Of course, we proof each draft several times, but errors still worm their way in. Sometimes the proofing eye sees what it thinks should be there rather than what is really there.
I wove the 3 towels for the Shadow-Weave Towels project on page 28 on a computer-controlled dobby loom. By definition that means I created WIFs well before the technical editing process began. I use WIFs to design projects, but in this case I also needed WIFs to interface with the electronic dobby to cause the correct shafts to lift as I wove. I created 3 different WIFs, 1 for each towel.
We are happy to offer the 3 Shadow-Weave Towels WIFs as a free download to complement the project article in the issue. The 3 WIFs show every pattern pick and every warp end with the exception of floating selvedges. Subscribers and those who purchase a hard copy or digital version of the September/October 2017 issue of Handwoven can use them or use the treadling directions in the magazine. You might even want to revise them and create your own treadling patterns. If you are unfamiliar with WIFs, we recommend you also download WIF FAQs.
The Downloads
1 Shadow weave thick and thin based on honeysuckle long runsl
2 Shadow weave thick and thin based on honeysuckle rosepath
3 Shadow weave thick and thin based on honeysuckle
Take a WIF. You’ll be glad you did.
Weave well,