As much as I try to be productive and use this time at home to my advantage by weaving up a storm, I have had moments of just wanting to play on my phone and tune out the coronavirus and social distancing. I did that on Saturday only to wake up on Sunday with renewed resolve. I planned my blended-draft towels project, ordered yarn for it, and then I got out my inkle loom.
I’ve woven 2, maybe 3, bands in the past but decided I should use this time to reacquaint myself with inkling. I’m weaving a red and blue dog leash for our puppy Deacon; the leash will look good with his new red collar. I have Schacht Spindle Company’s Inkle loom and was happy that Schacht offers a free PDF download with instructions for warping it. Of course, in my usual fashion, I went over a peg rather than under it for half of my warp ends. And, then, again in my usual fashion, I laboriously moved them all and re-heddled a few ends. I may lose a bit of warp length because of that mishap, but the warp is 8½ feet long, so I’m fairly confident I’ll get the 7 feet I need.
The beginning of a checkered dog leash. I'm still working on my edges. Photo by Susan E. Horton
The PDF download had a few patterns in it, including a checkerboard, which I picked. I warped with red and blue carpet warp and am doubling the blue carpet warp for the weft. In classic weaverly tradition, I feel I must point out that my edges aren’t very good right now, but I’m hoping that after 7 feet, they will be. The inkle loom is highly portable, so although I’m stuck at home, I’m not stuck in the house.
After I finish the leash, I’m hoping my basic skills are good enough to try Ellen LaBruce’s Mountain Sunset Bracelet that was in Easy Weaving with Little Looms 2019. At such a small size, the bracelet isn’t really a stash buster, but it does use 5/2 and 10/2 pearl cotton, which most of us have in our stashes. The bracelet has a little bit of optional pick-up in it and instructions for making a buttonhole, which should improve my inkle skills. I have a slew of hard-to-buy-for nieces and nephews that I think will like the bracelets, and I wouldn’t mind having one of my own. Learning a new skill and weaving some beautiful bands seems like a win-win proposition.
Weaving a bracelet as pretty as Ellen LaBruce’s Mountain Sunset Bracelet is my goal. Photo by George Boe
Here’s to not playing on our phones and using this time wisely.
Weave well,