It's handwoven, exceptional, and enduring!

Pattie stumbled upon some rather unusual uses for handwoven cloth. That made her start thinking about how we often "save" handwovens rather than using them.

Pattie Graver Nov 24, 2015 - 3 min read

It's handwoven, exceptional, and enduring! Primary Image

Bertha’s Towels, designed by Pattie Graver, are an excellent 4-shaft project for anyone wanting to improve their selvedges.

Hello Weavers,


Take a look here. Yup! That is handwoven cloth being used to cover restaurant equipment in an outdoor kitchen. I stumbled upon this while on vacation, and I mentioned to a hotel staff member that they were using handwoven cloth to protect their BBQs and counters. (I'm sure I seemed ridiculous, but as a weaver I know you understand.) I was politely told that they were old table cloths and had been around for years.  


At first I was aghast, but as time passes, I think about how many times those table cloths went through the laundry and how many spills they must have soaked up. I think about all of the secrets they absorbed from the different people who spoke of their joys, sorrows, and secrets while sharing a meal. How wonderful that this exceptional cloth got used and yet endures!



Even though they have been replaced by new table cloths, I still got to admire them and feel kindred with the special person who made them. I got to thinking about how wonderful it is that this cloth is being used; it's not tucked away in a drawer waiting for a "someday" that never arrives.


Do you have handwoven items that are "too good" to use? I think I'll start using those special handwoven towels given to me by my friend Ellen. I can't think of a better way to compliment another weaver.


Stay warped!

