I love it when weavers take traditional structures and weave them in such a way that it makes them into something more. Take Robin Wilton’s Huck Lace Meets Color-and-Weave scarf from the November/December 2018 Handwoven._ Robin weaves her scarf using the very lovely—and very traditional—huck lace, but then takes it a step further when she adds in colorplay. The result is a gorgeous scarf with an extra layer of visual interest. Here’s what Robin has to say about her design:_
Robin Wilton’s Huck Lace Meets Color-and-Weave scarf is everything you love about huck lace and color-and-weave combined in one gorgeous piece.
Designer Robin Wilton’s Statement
Huck lace is one of my favorite weave structures because it makes beautiful lace patterns without finger manipulation. Although it has floats, they are short enough that huck lace remains a versatile structure that is suitable for scarves, kitchen towels, and even baby blankets. To make this scarf more interesting, I designed a subtle color-and-weave effect in pale blue and purple in the plain-weave areas, and I added 3 ends of a darker purple to the huck lace stripes. I chose 20/2 silk to weave a luxurious scarf.
The color-and-weave design requires 2 shuttles alternating throughout the treadling, except where there are 2 shots of the light purple that change the direction of the stripes. Use a light beat to keep the scarf light and airy.
Whether you decide to weave this scarf or not, I hope it inspires you to try something new in your weaving—maybe combine a couple favorite techniques and see what happens!
Happy Weaving!
Project at a Glance
PROJECT TYPE: 4-shaft.
STRUCTURE: Huck lace and plain weave with color-and-weave effects.
EQUIPMENT: 4-shaft loom, 10" weaving width; 12-dent reed; 2 shuttles.
YARNS: Kiku 20/2 bombyx silk (5,000 yd/lb; Treenway Silks).