Friendship Scarf 14-Shaft

Celebrate friendship and weaving with Suzie Liles’s 14-shaft Friendship Scarf. Suzie’s design cleverly uses Bronson lace to spell out Frienship in Weaving in crisp and lovely linen. Find it in Loom Theory 2018: Eight and Over Eight Scarf Collection.

Christina Garton Nov 21, 2018 - 3 min read

Friendship Scarf 14-Shaft Primary Image

Suzie Liles’s clever 14-shaft Friendship Scarf.

Celebrate friendship and weaving with Suzie Liles’s 14-shaft Friendship Scarf. Suzie’s design cleverly uses Bronson lace to spell out Frienship in Weaving in crisp and lovely linen. Find the full draft in Handwoven Loom Theory: Eight and Over Eight Scarf Collection. Here’s what Suzie had to say about her design:

14-shaft Friendship Scarf

Weave a message of friendship in Bronson Lace with Suzie Liles’s 14-shaft Friendship Scarf.

Designer Suzie Liles’s Statement

My inspiration for this scarf came from an article by Sigrid Piroch in Handwoven March/April 1990 that shows how to weave letters in Bronson lace using pick-up. In this scarf, the word “friendship” is spelled out; for this scarf woven with 14 shafts, I added the words “in weaving” beside it.

I chose these words because I feel that the weaving community is a friendly one with its guilds and weaving buddies. Weavers share and help each other in many ways.

If you've never worked with linen before, I encourage you to give it a try. It's a delightful fiber that produces crisp patterns, and it's my favorite fiber to work with—I use it just as I do cotton and it works perfectly.


This weaving was fun to do. I like being able to make words in weaving, and using a dobby loom makes it easy.

RESOURCES Piroch, Sigrid. “Letters and Words in Bronson Lace: It’s as Easy as ABC.” Handwoven, March/April 1990, 68–71.

Whether you weave Suzie’s scarf as is, or use it as a guide to weave your own messages in Bronson lace, I hope you love it as much as I do!

Happy Weaving! Christina

Project at a Glance

PROJECT TYPE: 14-shaft.

STRUCTURE: Bronson lace.

EQUIPMENT: 14-shaft loom, 8" weaving width; 8-dent reed; 1 shuttle; 1 bobbin.

YARNS: 16/2 linen (2,400 yd/lb; Bockens; Glimåkra).

See also Friendship Scarf 8-Shaft