Sometimes when you are showing nonweavers a project or they are watching you weave in public, they make comments about how long it must take to weave a scarf, a towel, or a shawl, about how patient you must be, and how they couldn’t possibly be that patient. If you are at all like me, you want to say, “Are you kidding?” I’m so glad I weave.
The result of my idea of using embroidery floss for placemats. Photo credit: George Boe
I try not to be too smug about the fact that I’ve found something special in the world that so perfectly satisfies so many parts of me. To be honest, I’m really happy that my life isn’t just about going out for lunch but also about weave structures, color, design, fiber, creating, and exploring the world of weaving. Someone recently asked me why I decided to make a career out of weaving, and I realized I never intended for weaving to become my career but instead it snuck up on me from various directions; before I knew it, weaving wasn’t just taking up space in my house, it was also taking up space in my head. My sizable physical stash of yarn doesn’t hold a candle to the size of the stash of weaving ideas that keep me comforted and occupied when I’m not near a loom.
Unfortunately, these cones represent a very small portion of my actual stash. Credit: George Boe
We are all at different points in our weaving “careers.” I know I won’t always be the editor of Handwoven, but I know I will always be a weaver. Wherever you are on your own weaving path, I hope you embrace weaving for the gift that it is, now and in your future. Be glad you weave.
Weave well,