Want to try your hand at weaving with rags. Download this free pdf and get started on one of the three projects.
Download instructions for preparing rag weft from old jeans.
Download this supplement to Rosalie Neilson's project article: Power of Twos Rep Rug from the Nov/Dec 2015 issue of Handwoven
Pin looms are a relatively newcomer to the weaving world but have a large following.
Have too much zucchini and not enough spinning spindles? Here is Linda Ligon showing you how to make a spindle out of two zucchini.
Turns out the fashions of prehistoric times that we all saw on the Flintstones was nothing like the real thing.
The world's largest Navajo rug is on display at the Route 66 Art Museum.
The introduction of power loom assisted in America gaining its independence from Britain.