Wavelets Rep-Weave Table Runner

Lucienne Coifman wowed us with her Wavelets Rep-Weave Table Runner woven on 8-shafts. Rep weave as we know it has straight lines, but Lucienne, through a smart use of thin weft picks, was able to break those lines and make them wavy. You might think you k

Susan E. Horton Mar 14, 2018 - 2 min read

Wavelets Rep-Weave Table Runner Primary Image

Lucienne’s clever weft-technique creates beautiful waves in your rep-weave fabric.

Lucienne Coifman wowed us with her 8-shaft Wavelets Rep-Weave Table Runner that pays homage to her husband's research in wavelet theory. Traditional rep weave as we know it has straight lines, but Lucienne, through a smart use of thin weft picks, was able to break those lines and make them wavy in her nontraditional variation. You might think you know rep-weave, and maybe you do, but this runner will give you a whole new appreciation. —Susan

Rep-Weave Table Runner

Structure: Rep weave.

Equipment: 8-shaft loom, 13" weaving width; 10- dent reed; 2 stick shuttles, 16" long.

Yarns: 10/2 mercerized cotton (4,200 yd/lb; UKI); 5/2 mercerized cotton (2,100 yd/lb; UKI).

Sett: 40 epi

Woven length (measured under tension on the loom): 40".

Finished size, after washing and hemming: 12" x 35½" including ½" hems.

LUCIENNE COIFMAN is the author of Rep, Rips, Reps Weave: Projects, Instruction, and Inspiration. She will teach her classic and nontraditional techniques at Convergence 2018.