The joke was on me one Thanksgiving Day: The house was clean, the table was set, and I was feeling pretty smug when I put the turkey in the oven just as the power was cut. After determining that due to high winds and fire danger it wasn't coming back on until after midnight, I called one of our guests and asked if we could have the meal at her place. She was happy to help. We schlepped everything to her house in multiple trips, set up a table, and had a wonderful meal together with friends and family. It was great, but by the end, I was exhausted—and could have used a few jokes! ~Susan
It always happens, right? Just when you start enjoying your holiday meal, someone brings up politics or some other subject no one wants to talk about. But I am offering you a way out. When things start to get dicey, remember these 12 (admittedly lame) fiber jokes you can use to change the conversation. Trust me, we at Long Thread Media are super hilarious.
After you put the brakes on the awkward discussion, you can switch to something you'd rather talk about, like the weather, why the power company didn't warn you that they were going to cut your power, or better yet, your latest colonoscopy.

I hope your holiday is fun and filling and full of fiber conversations. Send us some of your favorite fiber jokes. Email us at [email protected]. The December holidays are coming, and we may need more diversions for the table!
Weave well,
P.S. My sincere thanks to Pam James, who sent me the inspiration for several of these (5, 6, and 12).
Keep the Fun Going
If you enjoyed this article, check out our other holiday-inspired posts. Hop on over to our sister sites and let the fun continue:
Make memories with handmade potholders at Little Looms.
Take a trip to a winter wonderland with our special winter wishes guide at PieceWork.
Get a chuckle with a post about weaving things we’d rather do than stand in line on Black Friday at Little Looms.
Explore four reasons why you’ll love our Black Friday features at Spin Off. (Hint: They’re free!)
Originally published 12/12/2017. Revised 11/18/2022 and 11/24/2024.